Mt Hood Oregon Edit

2 weeks of summer snowboarding in Mt Hood, Oregon, USA.

This was quite possibly one of the funnest snow/holiday trips i’ve been on. High Cascade Snowboard Camp had one of the best halfpipes of all the summer camps going around and i was there for sessions 3 & 4. We snowboarded for 6 days straight had 4 days off and then another 6 days. During our 4 day break i went camping with Kaitlyn Farrington and a group of about 20-30 people who were all working the summer with HCSC or Windells. the camping trip was deffinetly a highlight of my summer camp, Massive camp fires on the beach, sleeping in the forrest, watching amazing west coast sunsets and surfing in some pretty cold water.

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Gymnastics Training 2 Months Post Op

I am now 2 months post op from my apendix and am back into full training lifting weights in the gym and flipping around at gymnastics.

Heres a little edit of my gymnastics training so far. I can still do majority of my competition skills from my last comp in 2008.

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2013 State Of Origin Backflips: Game 1-June 5th

I got the chance to be part of the State of Origin NSW Blues team leading them onto the field and backflipping out of the tunnel.

The atmosphere of being on the field with 80000 people in the stadium and all of Australia watching on tv back home was unreal and such an amazing experience. After back flipping and the Blues boys were on the field i was able to stand on the sidelines for the singing of the national anthem before heading to our ground level seats to watch a great game. I had an amazing night and with NSW Blues winning made it perfect.

Be sure to watch State of Origin Game 3 as i will be backflipping the boys out again!

Here are some shots from the night.





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Last week i attended the Australian Winter Olympic Shadow Team Assembly. The assembly involved getting fitted for all the 2014 winter olympic uniforms, filling out alot of paperwork, photographs, medical checks, flu shot and getting a breiffing on how the olympics runs.

It was a very exciting day with alot of official business involved.

Here are some shots while having fun in the photobooth with our team mascot BK (Boxing Kangaroo)

Also having a laugh with the largest rain coat on the smallest person.



Emergency Appendix Operation

Sunday 28th of April was one morning i did not see coming. I had only been home in sydney for 3 days when i started suffering from stomach pains and constant vomiting which resulted in my dad needing to rush me to the emergency room at St George Hospital at 5am. It only took a quick review by 1 doctor to diagnose me with appendicitis and book me in for surgery that morning.

My Operation went as well as expected with no complications and doctor said i should make a full recovery in 6 weeks time.



I am currently released from hospital and back at home where i can now concentrate on my recovery.

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World Cup Finals @ Sierra Nevada, SPAIN

My trip to Sierra Nevada Spain became quite the adventure i never want to experience again!



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Private Tramp Session @ Vail Ski & Snowboard Academy

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23rd @ Olympic Test Event in SOCHI, RUSSIA!


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This week I achieved the best result of my career by getting 10th in the Park City
World Cup / Grand Prix.

The Park City World Cup was also a US Grand Prix event meaning it counted for both FIS and TTR points.

I landed both my Qualification Runs scoring a 65.3 which is my highest score in a world cup yet. This had me in 5th position in my heat and securing myself a spot in my first Semi-final. Both my coaches (Berto and Boydy) were very happy with how I rode in qualification, because I was guaranteed a top 10 finish no matter how semis went.

I landed my first semi-final run not scoring as well as I did in qualification but that was ok. Then I switched my run around for my second semis run but was unable to land my crippler 7.

All up it was a great day achieving my personal best so far and walking away with a 10th place and a huge smile on my face.

After this great result I am currently sitting in 7th position on the World Snowboard Rankings and in the Top 20 on the FIS World Cup Tour Rankings.

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Check out a little edit i made of the comp i was in at breckenridge on Australia Day!

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