The Past 2 weeks

So I haven’t updated about anything the last 2 weeks since I’ve been back in Colorado so here it all is!

I had my first experience on an air bag at Vail. The set up is like a half pipe and you can train some pretty epic tricks just like you would do them in a pipe. After I got the feeling of the air bag and landing on it I started working on some Crippler 7s. They were pretty easy and it was so much fun training them, I’ll defiantly be spending a lot of time on the air bag through out the season training some bigger tricks. I have some footage from the session that i will soon get off my coach Ben Boyd!

The Following day after the air bag session I started working on some crippler 5s in Brecks pipe. I only had a few attempts but it was a start and I had the right feeling for them, so ill be sure to keep training them so I can add them to my competition run!

The Weekend that just past was the Gatorade Free Flow Tour at Vail. It was a slope and pipe comp, I only competed in the pipe comp. It was a flat light day and the pipe was a weird shape but I spent the whole day before doing laps of the pipe to get used to it ready for the comp. I landed my first run, which consisted of backside air, frontside air, backside air, front 3, cab 3, frontside air and finishing with an alley-oop crippler which I landed and was super stoked about. Then my second run I went a little bigger on my straight airs and went bigger than expected on my front 3 and washed out on the landing and couldn’t finish the rest of my run, so I had to only count my first run which placed me 6th out of the 11 competitors. I was happy about landing my first run, and there is defiantly room for improvement next competition!

Yesterday we received 26 inches of snow. That’s over 2 feet! It was probably one of the sickest powder days I’ve had. I went up to Breckenridge with my buddie from home Amber Arazny and we had a really fun day in the powder. At some stages I was stuck in powder up to my waist and had to dig my self out, it was just an amazing day!

Tomorrow hopefully it doesn’t snow too much and the sun comes out so they can reshape/cut the pipe and we can get back into training.

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Back In Frisco!

I arrived back in Frisco last night after a whole day of travelling. Today I went riding at Breck and rode their pipe for the first time. It was a beautiful warm blue bird day, which was nice to have after last weeks freezing temperatures and worrying about frostbite. I had a great day getting back into it but tomorrow is a day off training so ill be hitting the gym with some other team mates for a good stretch and pool recovery session.

I looked out the window on my Vancouver-Denver flight passing over the Colorado Alps just as the sun was setting turning the sky into some amazing colours.

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Epic Pow & Ice Hockey

My Canada trip is now over after an amazing last day with some pretty sweet powder runs. I met a local girl on the chair lift and she showed me a few of the secret powder spots, the runs were so sick even though it was a bit of a white out.

Our last night in Sun Peaks my brothers and I went Ice Skating with some family friends from Sydney. We ended up getting hockey sticks and have a really fun game of ice hockey. It was the perfect way to end my family holiday in Canada, now its time to go back to Colorado and continue with my training.

Heres a little video of our ice hockey game

Aus Vs Aus

ThumbnailIce Skating

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Dog Sledding

Today I went riding with my dad in the morning and it was absolutely dumping! By the time you got to the bottom of the run and taken the chair back up to the top your tracks were pretty much filled in with fresh snow. It was awesome!

In the afternoon my brothers and I went Dog Sledding. We arrived at the sledding area and the instructor was waiting for us holding a 3-week-old Alaskan Husky, it was adorable!

We met all the dogs that would be running our sled and got to put their harnesses on. The instructor showed me how to drive the sled and we were set to go.

The sledding trail was amazing. I had a great afternoon with my brothers.

Here’s some photos of my day and a little video.

Dog Sledding

51 Alaskan Huskys

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Merry Christmas from Sun Peaks CANADA!

I’m now with my family celebrating a white Christmas. We all had an amazing day riding, and enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner!

Sun Peaks is pretty cool. There’s no lift lines, Almost the whole resort to our selves and the snow is amazing!!

Here’s just a few of the 1000 shots dad’s taken already!

Vancouver Airport                                             Kamloops Airport

Christmas Eve with my brothers

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Frisco-Denver-Vancouver-Kamloops-SUN PEAKS!

I had a very successful 3 week training period even landing my self first place at my first pipe comp, but now I’m on my way to Sun Peaks Canada for a 2 week holiday with my family.

I’ll be back in Colorado to continue my training in early January, but till then I will enjoy my time riding with my family and spending time with them over Christmas and New Years.

Keep checking in as i will still be posting, and will probably have some sweet photos too.

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1st @ USASA Pipe Comp

Comp day and it was absolutly dumping!!! There was about 9” of fresh snow at Copper, which wasn’t good for a pipe comp but the pow runs on the way to the pipe were pretty sweet!

The pipe was slow and it was hard keeping speed throughout your run. I landed both my runs, which I was really happy with considering the conditions. My run consisted of a few straight airs and a front 3 and cab 3, then on my second run I added an alleyoop crippler in before my 3s. I was very stoked to land both runs on my feet and win my first American comp!

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boom boom POWWW!!!

I woke up today, looked out the window and it was absolutely dumping. Sam and I headed up to copper where we were ment to have pipe training for our comp tomorrow but there was about a foot of snow in the pipe so instead we had an epic morning shredding powder.

It was snowing all day and still is dumping. We have to be at copper nice and early for bib collection and hopefully the comp isn’t cancelled due to snow conditions.

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Blue Bird!

Today was a perfect blue bird day, which is always awesome! I went up to Breckenridge for a few park laps as both pipes had comps happening. They have built up Brecks main park that is open which now has about 7 jump features in a line so you can get a few more hits done in one run!

After a fun morning riding Alex, Michaela and I had a nice afternoon walking around Main street in Breck doing a little bit of shopping.

Tomorrow ill be back in Copper’s pipe training hard for my first comp of the season on Sunday..

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Today there was no training due to the Revolution Tour Slopestyle competition at Copper and the Dew Tour at Breckenridge.

It had been snowing all morning but there wasn’t enough snow to get some fresh tracks so Sam and I decided to cut a few laps through the Copper pipe. Surprisingly the pipe wasn’t too slow and we had a great morning riding!

I stayed at copper in the afternoon to do a 2 hour Woodward training session. Woodward has 7 trampolines, a massive foam pit, a proper sprung gymnastics floor, 2 mini skate ramps, a 6/8ft skate bowl and a fake indoor snow course with big air jumps in to the pit!

Here’s a little video of my Woodward session today!

Woodward Ninja

I was on my way home from Woodward at Copper, as I got off the bus I realised it had snowed about 6 inches within only a few hours. It was nice walking home making fresh footprints in the snow.

Fresh Snow

Christmas Trees on the street!

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