Valmalenco, ITALY is amazing!

Theres only 8 lifts and a HUGE cable car to get up there but the mountain views and senery surrounding Valmalenco are stunning! Dad has deffinatly taken way too many photos already and its only day 4!

Yesterday we cheered on one of our aussie boys that had made it through to the next round from qualifying in Boardercross! We found some cumfy bean bags and chilled out on the roof of a portable building waving our auzzie flags!

My dad came along on the trip as Official Australian Team Photographer! Hope you like all his photos i’ll be posting!

Seeing as the surrounding backrounds are so beautiful we did a team photoshoot and got some nice profile pictures!

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Posted in Italy | 278 Comments

Frisco-Denver-Frankfurt-Milan-Valmalenco, ITALY!

Tomorrow i have a full day of travelling. Starting in Frisco and ending in Valmalenco, Italy for the FIS Junior World Championships.

Training this week went really well and im stoked my preperation for the world class comp!

Dad arrived in Frisco this week and is also coming to Italy with me as Official Australian Team Photographer.

Here’s a few shots he shot of me this week:

Spring has finaly arrived and melted the snow off the roads so i can now skate everywhere rather than walk.

Posted in Italy | 200 Comments


FIS Junior World Champs are in Italy this season and i needed a top 30% result at a Rev Tour to qualify.

My 3rd place from the Mt Snow Rev Tour has qualified me for FIS Junior Worlds which are at the end of this month and im really excited to represent Australia there!

Posted in Colorado | 238 Comments


I arrived at Mt Snow, Vermont on Sunday and so far it wasn’t raining which was awesome!

We had pipe practice the next day, which went really well. I was landing my run and was overall happy with the pipe and my riding!

Comp day! The sun was out, the wind was non existant and the pipe was pretty dam good! It was an interesting day i landed my front 5s in practice which i only really started spinning good that week but didnt get to do a flip in warm up so i just thought ill have to give it all ive got in my first run.

My first run was air, air, front 5, air, air, Michalchuk, which scored me a 30 and ranked 3rd in qualifying and made it through to finals where they only took top 6.

My finals run was exactly same, which i landed again and was totally stoked and it scored me a 32 which landed me a spot on the podium in 3rd place!

I was really happy with how the day turned out as I achieved my goal of making finals in the Last rev tour stop and to land on the podium was even better!

Posted in Colorado | 246 Comments

ISTC – Party in the B.R.E.C.K…Edit!

10th of March and the day was looking super bad!! really windy, snowing, freezing and just negative conditions to ride in.

But luckily the sun came out and made it an awesome day!

Heres a video i put together of our small ISTC crew that day!

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Airbag Session @ Vail

Last week i did another session on the airbag at Vail.

It was a perfect warm sunny day and the pipe wall was a bit soft so it made it really easy to launch off into the bag!

I was mainly working on back 5s and a bunch of switch tricks.

The session was super fun and i was stoked on the awesome day.

We even had the deflate and pack up the airbag!

Heres a video of my cork back 5:

Airbag Cork Back 5

Posted in Colorado | 222 Comments


I finally finished editing the video from my trip to boreal featuring myself and Amber Arazny!

Check it out!

Thumbnail Boreal Adventure

Posted in Colorado | 284 Comments


A few weeks ago I entered a video contest to try and win 1 of 4 spots for an all expenses paid trip and a spot in the Gatorade Free Flow Tour Finals in Snow Basin, Utah that happened last week. Unfortunately I didn’t win the all expenses paid trip but I did win viewers video choice.

The Gatorade Video competition was partnering with Transworld Snowboarding Magazine and my video is now up on the Transworld Snowboarding Website as one of the winners. I was pretty stoked when I saw it because not many Australian riders have had videos posted on Transworld.

Heres the link to Transworld website and my video entry:

Thumbnail Gatorade Free Flow Tour: Video Contest Entry

Posted in Colorado | 266 Comments


Last week I travelled to Boreal in California for the USSA Revolution Tour. The weather was just like in spring, blue bird and warm which made the trip perfect. We had one day before the comp for practice and to get used to riding the 18-foot pipe.

Comp day went really well. The sun was out and girls were up first! I landed my first run and was stoked, so I put my alleyoop crippler in my second run and landed it so I was even more happy and it bumped my score up to a 19.5 from a 15. Unfortunately it wasn’t enough to make finals out of the 25 girls as they only took top 6 but I finished up 10th in my very first Rev Tour and was very happy with that result!


The next day was the Slopestyle comp which I wasn’t competing in. The sun yet again was out and warm so my team mate Amber Arazny and I spent the whole day having fun filming with her GoPro. I’m still in the process of making our Boreal edit so keep checking back and I should have the edit up soon. Unfortunately we didn’t get any competition footage but we did get some other fun videos in the pipe, park and just some all round footage of our trip away!

Here’s some pics from the trip!

My next comp is the final USASA Nationals qualifier on the 5th of March, so till then I’m just concentrating on training and getting a few more tricks down for my competition run.

Posted in Colorado | 249 Comments

Another Gold @ USASA Pipe #2

This weekend was the second USASA Halfpipe Nationals qualifier @ Copper. It was a picture perfect day with not a cloud in site and was only about 0 degrees Celsius so it was pretty hot!

The comp was delayed an hour as there were some pipe cutter problems and the groomer was still in the pipe when we were meant to be having practice.

The pipe was in pretty good condition and I was loving it. Practice went really well, so I was feeling good about the competition. I landed my first run, which was indy, method, lean air, japan, mute, alleyoop crippler. Then for my second run I switched things up dropping in on the other side and doing method, lean air, japan, front 3, cab 3, alleyoop. I landed both my runs and ended up winning so I was super stoked on the day.

I’ve now qualified for USA Nationals, which are 2nd – 8th of April.

My next upcoming comp is the Rev Tour @ Boreal California on the 10th of Feb, so I’ll be training hard this next week to get a few more tricks down in preparation for the comp.

Posted in Colorado | 250 Comments