National Snowboard Team!

3 years ago I was at a National Gymnastics Comp and now i have been announced on the SSA National Snowboarding team.

This now alows me to compete at world cup events in this coming 2011/2012 season!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me on the way, My Coaches, Family, Friends and Sponsor Oakley!

I am very excited to see what this year brings.

Posted in Perisher | 192 Comments

1st Day of SUMMER & its SNOWING

So it’s the 1st of june (first day of summer here in mammoth) and the weather had taken a lovely turn from the last two days!

Here are 2 new shots from my bedroom window looking out at the chairlift/pipe/park

In my Mammoth post yesterday there is the exact same location of the photos but completely different pictures! Have a look.

Hopefully the weather calms down over night and the sun comes out in the morning.

Posted in California | 1 Comment


After 2 amazing days on Hermosa Beach it was time for my flight to Reno airport and then a 3 hour drive to Mammoth Mountain!

This is my 3rd trip to mammoth in my time snowboarding so far and i absolutly love it here, hot sunny hoodie weather most days when its not windy. Today was our second day on snow and even though i havn’t been snowboarding in only a month i still woke up with sore feet from being back in my boots. The conditions are not too bad the sun has been shining and there is a rediculous amount of snow left when its almost june, but its been a little windy which is always unpleasent but hey im back on snow in summer and it is awesome!

The view from my bedroom window (Mammoth Mountain Inn)

A new halfpipe has almost finished building as the current pipe is quite destroyed. so hopefully once the new one is up and running we can get straight into learning some new tricks!

We went and hung out at the Volcom Brothers Skate park yesterday arvo. Just hanging out and having a skate with everyone was really fun until the Mitrani brothers started shreding the park and we just sat back and watched them. It’s rediculous how those boys can be so good at snowboarding and then totally rip up the skate park!

When i was in Colorado i met Pete the guy that owns and makes Unity Snowboards. Unity is a small colorado company that make hand build snowboards  and because of my height and gymnastic strength i’ve had so much trouble finding good based strong small sized boards, so i met Pete and he made me 2 completely custom boards which turned out to be awesome and ive now riden 2 days on one of them and im already seeing a difference in my riding and feel alot more stronger on my snowboard!

Keep checking in as i will be posting a fair bit about my mammoth trip!

Posted in California | 235 Comments

Hermosa Beach, CALIFORNIA!

I was in Australia for exactly 35 days after my 5 months in Colorado and im already back in america!

This trip is for a 2 week summer camp in Mammoth Mountain. The camp started on the 29th of May but i headed over to California 2 days early and got to spend 2 days on the beach at Hermosa Beach. Dad has a really close friend with a 3yr old daughter that lives in Hermosa so i got to spend the 2 days hanging out with them. The weekend i was there was Memorial Day and Hermosa Beach celebrated it pretty hard which was awesome, they closed off the main road at the beach and set up live bands and a bunch of little market shops. I really enjoyed it as i love shopping at market style places so i went to Hermosa at the best possible time for me!

Seeing as i missed out on my summer time atleast i got to spend 2 days in the sun on the beach!

Posted in California | 245 Comments

Mothers Day @ Cronulla Beach! (without mum)

Since i’ve been back from my 5 months living in Colorado i’ve been spending my time enjoying being back at home, catching up with friends and family and also training at my gymnastics center (NSW Academy Of Gymnastics). I still have all my tricks/routines from when i was competing 3 years ago and i plan to keep them for as long as my body lets me!

Today was Mothers Day, but my mum is spending it in Hawaii with dad so i had a lovely afternoon with my little 13 year old brother Victor at Cronulla Beach!

Check out some shots from our day!

Posted in Sydney | 202 Comments


So my wonderful 5 months away from home have come to an end.

It was an amazing season, i achieved so much and crossed off many goals i set at the beginning of the season!

Im currently killing time in Denver International Airport awaiting my long journey back to Australia. Deffinatly keen for some down time and a swim in some salty beach water before i come back over here in a month for a summer camp in Mammoth!


Posted in Colorado | 251 Comments


so i finally finished editing the video from my whole trip from FIS Junior Worlds in Valmalenco, ITALY!

Check it out…

Posted in Italy | 263 Comments


The day after i got back from Junior Worlds in Italy i had to compete in USASA Nationals.

Luckily the jetlag hadn’t hit me yet, so i was ready to go!

I landed my run in warm up which was Air, Air, Front 5, Back 5, Air, Michalchuk.

Unfortunatly in my comp runs i landed my back to back 5s which i had a bit of trouble with during the week and some how fell on the michalchuk both runs which normal i can do that trick in my sleep. Its actually the first trick i learnt in the pipe even before front 3s. It helps being a gymnast!

The second crash i caught my heels pretty bad breaking my helmet and getting a free ride down to ski patrol just to check i didnt have a concussion, and thankfully i passed all the tests with no signs of a concussion.

Nationals was my last competition for the northern season, it would have been nice to land a run and finish on a good comp but sometimes it just doesn’t happen.

I’ve been in colorado since the 5th of december and im now down to exactly 2 weeks to go, and its now spring so im stoked to ride in some slushy snow, training a few more tricks before i go back home to sydney!

Here is a video of my run at nationals with my solid Michalchuk crash!

Photo’s by Harry Magiros

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Italy was amazing. Valmalenco ski resort was beautiful, the conditions made it so easy and nice to compete in as it was about +10-15 degrees everyday.. definitely got some nice spring riding in and a few runs in a singlet, as they were closing the pipe after the comp and i was able to get one hit to get a shot in the air with no jacket on with the amazing mountains in the background! (i got the shot)
The day i was competing there was a whole bunch of little school kids up on the hill watching. It was cool having a big crowd of kids there and they were always yelling out for me to come over and sign autographs and get photos with me, it was really exciting, felt a little bit famous.

The competition didn’t go as well as i hoped. I had been having a bit of trouble with my back to back 5s. I fell on my Back 5 in my first run, then in my second run i managed to just scrape it around continuing on to my front 5 but unfortunatly clipped my butt on the pipe wall on my Michalchuk.

My result was 16th out of 32 competitors and that was with 2 fallen runs so i’m still really happy with how i went in my first world standard competition.
All up the trip was great, i got to go to a new country, learn the basics of a new language and represent my country in what i love doing.

Valmalenco Edit Coming Soon!

All photo’s by Harry Magiros (dad)

Posted in Italy | 204 Comments


AUSSIE TEAM ! Coaches Ben Boyd (HP) & Damon Hayler (SBX)

The opening ceremony was really cool, but not as how i expected. I thought we would walk around the street in our seperate countries but we all just walked around mixed up together!

We walked down the street following the bunch of little kids holding the flags from all the countries with trumpets and other instruments playing, it was all really exciting.

All the coaches lined up on the stage and recieved a gift!

We found this fountain ( we call it the Fountain of Youth) that flows fresh drinking water straight from the mountains!

Posted in Italy | 269 Comments