16th Stoneham World Cup

The World Cup in Stoneham was my 2nd world cup to compete in.

My team mates, coach and i had an early flight out of denver. It was my first time visiting Quebec Canada and i absolutely loved it. Flying in over the city was amazing because we flew in right as the sun was setting. I took some pretty sweet shots of sunrise and sunset this travel day from my seat in the plane!

Sunrise – Denver Airport Sunset – Flying into Quebec

All the Athletes, Coaches, Judges, Media and other staff were staying together at the Hilton Hotel. I was lucky enough to be put on the executive level on the top floor. I had a great room with an amazing view over the whole city.

We had 2 practice days before the comp. The weather was reasonable sun came out in stages and the pipe wasn’t in the best condition but everyday it got better as we rode it.

Comp day came and we looked outside our windows and all there was to see was white! it was a complete whiteout over the whole city and snowed about 6 inches in the pipe.

The boys competed first. During practice it was difficult to ride the pipe due to the conditions, but i pushed through it and was able to land both my runs. My run was Air Air Front 5 Back 5 Front 3 Cab 3. It wasn’t the best run ive ever done but i was really happy to have landed on my feet in the bad conditions and get 16th in my 2nd world cup.

They managed to spell my name wrong on my credential.

I was in canada for a total of 6 days and between the training days and comp days my team and i were able to walk around and do a bit of site seeing around Quebec City.

Heres some of my tourist shots from Quebec Canada

Posted in Canada, COMPETITIONS | 378 Comments

4th @ Otsego Rev Tour!

The Otsego Rev Tour was my first time traveling to Michigan. We flew into Detroit and then drove 4 hours to the Otsego Resort Club. On the way we passed 8 Mile Rd which we all were weirdly excited about.

We had 3 days of training before comp day which was plenty of time to get used to the pipe and figure out a run. The pipe was ment to be 22ft but it was only an 18ft, The shape was really good but it was just small and i was only able to get 4 decent hits in.

I Qualified 2nd with a run Back 5, Front 5, Air to fakie, Switch back 5 which put me through to finals where i ended up 4th just missing out on the podium. Its my first top 5 result for the season so i am stoked!

Im back in Colorado in training mode to prepare for a big month of competitions coming up in a couple of weeks.

Here’s a few shots i took on the road from Michigan.

Posted in Colorado, COMPETITIONS | 211 Comments

Top 10 on TTR World Halfpipe Ranking

Posted in Colorado, COMPETITIONS | 220 Comments

Top 10 @ Northstar Rev Tour

Northstar only had 7% of the snow terrain open which isnt alot at all but what counts is that there was a perfect 22 Foot halfpipe and thats all that mattered for me.

Northstars pipe was possibly one of the steepest pipes i have ever riden so it took a little getting used to but once i got the feel for it it was amazing.

I landed my first run which consisted of air, back 5, front 5, air to fakie, switch back 3. i didnt score very high for that run so i just put everything into my second run to up my score and hopefully make it into finals. My second run i did the same run with more hight but upgraded my switch back 3 into my new trick i have been learning which is switch back 5, unfortunatly i put my bum down on the switch back 5 and was unable to qualify for finals finishing in 9th place.

Im back in Colorado now and its just started to snow which is great because i am yet to have a good pow day so hopefully it keeps snowing so i can have some fun in the pow at vail.

Posted in Colorado, COMPETITIONS | 226 Comments

Vail Colorado USA

The next 6 months of my life living in America have begun!

I am currently living in Eagle-Vail, riding and training at Vail resort as part of the Ski and Snowboard Club Vail program coached by Ben Boyd, Mike Slaughter, Brady McNeil and Elijah Teter.

At the moment we are limited to on snow training facilities as it’s early in the season, Copper and Keystone have one chair running and we have the opportunity to ride at vail in private sessions along side the other ski racers part of ski and snowboard club vail.

Hers a bunch of pics from my time over here so far!

Here’s a few shots from my Instagram profile. You can follow me on the Iphone app

(instagram name: stephmagiros)

Keep checking in because i will be posting about all the interesting adventures i come across on this side of the planet!

Posted in Colorado | 214 Comments


After a solid amount of hours editing, my end of season edit is done!

Including my runs from the Burton Open and World Cup in New Zealand, Some spring time shredding at Perisher, Kangaroos and a Jindabyne adventure.

Check it out!

I also put together this shot on photoshop from the day i spent filming with Chris Nemes at perisher.

Posted in New Zealand, Perisher | 363 Comments


I have been in New Zealand for 2 weeks now. Last week I competed in my first Burton open for halfpipe. There were 28 girls in the qualifying round and I managed to get in the top 10 of the field, which I was super stoked on after landing my run of Air, Air, back 5, Air, Michalchuk. Unfortunately they only took the top 5 girls through to semis, which was kinda tough but I was stoked to be in 10th place. Overall I ended up 19th out of the 35 girls including all the invited riders after semis.

I will be training the next week or so trying to get a few more of my tricks back into my run in preparation for the World Cup (NZ Winter Games) on August 27th.

Unfortunatly the weather has come in pretty hard and all the roads are closed and even the mountain shuts at times due to wind hold, but its something we have to deal with so we are having a good time chilling inside by the fires and keeping fit in the gym.

Keep checking in so you can keep up to date with my New Zealand adventures!

Posted in New Zealand | 249 Comments

A Days Work @ Perisher

I spent an entire day filming with ozsnowboard.com last week at Perisher mostly hiking drops, rocks and natural wall rides with a few warm up laps in Leichhardt park.

Heres the edit Chris put together from our perfect blue bird day!

My little 13 year old brother Victor who is now bigger than me came riding with us aswell and was right behind me hitting some of the cool features. There’s a few shots of him here to!

Today I was riding at Perisher with a bunch of friends and we had a really fun line going at Leichhardt T-Bar. A bunch of pow rollers into a  massive windlip wall drop finnishing the run off with a windlip Quarter-Pipe. It was a super fun day hucking spins off the drop and throwing backflips on the natural quarter-pipe!

The one thing i love doing is Backies. Check out the video.

Posted in Perisher | 226 Comments

End of northern season EDIT!

Hey guys, so my northern season has officialled finished and im back home in Sydney safe and sound!

I just finished editting my end of season edit riding Breckenridge, Copper, Vail, Keystone, Valmalenco Italy and Mammoth.

Hope you like it!

Posted in OVERSEAS | 225 Comments


Coming over to mammoth i had one goal and i accomplished that one goal today.

To land a Crippler 7 in pipe.

After a few trys i had the feeling locked in my head and did stomp a few on my feet, which i was absolutly stoked about!

Tomorrow is my last day riding @ mammoth hopefully its sunny and sick just like the past few days.

Heres a little edit of my Crippler 7’s from today!

Posted in California | 293 Comments