UNITY Snowboard Sponsor

Thanks Unity for having me as part of your team.

I get custom sized boards made from Unity Snowboards who are a local Colorado company. I am now part of the Unity team and am so excited to be repping there amazing boards.


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Am I Human?

2012 Pre aussie season edit featuring my best of everything.

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2012 Shot of the Season!

Thanks Coach Mike Slaughter for this shot while training at Breckenridge, Colorado.

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2012 Northern Season Edit!

Posted in Colorado, COMPETITIONS | 237 Comments

Back 9 attempts in Pipe

In my final week in Colorado I started learning back 9s in pipe! I havnt landed any yet but check out the video of my 2nd attempt.

I’ll be sure to continue working on them in the upcoming New Zealand season!

My season is all done and it deffinetly was a successful one. I finished up with a few new tricks and most of all injury free, which is always the goal!

I’m currently in Hawaii for 12 days with my mum for some rest and recovery before heading back home to aus and getting back in to my gymnastics and dryland training!

End of season edit coming soon!



Posted in Colorado | 293 Comments

6th @ USA Nationals

USASA Nationals was my final comp for the northern season.

I had spent the week leading up to nationals training a new trick (alleyoop rodeo) hoping to add it to my run.

In qualifying i landed both my runs with my new alleyoop rodeo as my last hit and was sitting in 5th which put me straight through to finals.

I landed both my runs in finals and finished 6th at nationals. It was a great way to end my competition season and enjoy my final week in colorado.

Heres a couple of shots my dad took from nationals.

Posted in Colorado, COMPETITIONS | 234 Comments

4th @ Mount Snow Rev Tour

Mount Snow Rev Tour was the last stop on the Revolution Tour.

The pipe at mount snow was alot like Perisher’s in Australia. Small, slushy and super fun!

We had 2 days before we competed.
With temperatures in the 60s (15 degrees celcius) it turned the pipe really soft early in the day, but i was used to those conditions and loved it. My coach and i spent an afternoon hiking the pipe in our tshirts.
I was doing backflips out of the bottom of the pipe and then turned it into an actual halfpipe trick and landed a few Alley-oop Rodeos.

There were only 14 girls signed up for the event. I attended the riders meeting the night before and everyone decided to go straight into finals and all the girls got 3 runs.

The pipe was in great shape for the comp considering how warm it was. The competition didn’t go as well as i planned. I fell on my first run and again on my 2nd run. With only 1 run left i wasn’t able to do my inverted tricks and had to stick to landing a safe run to get a decent result. Having put the pressure on myself leaving it till the final run i successfully landed a run consisting of Air, Back 5, Air, Air, Front 5. I finished  in 4th place which i was happy with.

It had been a long month of traveling, competing and living out of a suit case but i was definitely ready to head back home to colorado.

Posted in COMPETITIONS | 192 Comments

10th in Qualifying @ Burton US Open, Vermont

This was my first time competing in the Burton US Open!

The pipe was in prime condition and I was loving it. During the practice days I was consistently landing my safety run and was training my new crippler 7 to be included in my competition run.

Comp day was here and I was ready, with the sun shining, practice begun and I landed my run first try with my new crippler 7 last hit! The pipe felt good and so did I.

I was at the top ready to drop for my first run, after talking with my coach I had decided to go for my harder run straight up. My run was air air back 5 front 5 air crippler 7. I landed my run clean and was excited to have landed my crippler 7 in a comp for the first time.

There was a huge gap in time between first and second runs. Unfortunately for our second qualifying run the sun had disappeared and the pipe became really dark. I crashed down pretty hard on my crippler 7 and was unable to better my first score. I finished up 10th in qualifying, they only took top 5 through to semis. Even though I didn’t make it through, the day was a huge success landing a new trick in my run and I finished 21st over all in my first Burton US Open!

Posted in COMPETITIONS | 231 Comments

19th Grand Prix @ Mammoth

The Grand Prix at Mammoth Mountain was an interesting competition. We arrived in the afternoon and had official practice the following day. We all checked in at registration received our credentials and headed up to the pipe for practice only to find a groomer was still in the halfpipe. Practice was delayed an hour, but soon enough the pipe was good to go and it was game on from then.
The next morning is when things got a bit crazy. The weather had come in pretty bad with blizzard conditions, everyone was hanging out in the athlete lounge hoping things would calm down and we could all ride. but this wasn’t the case, practice was cancel for the day.

The next day was the slopestyle comp. The weather had come in harder over night and they were forced to postpone slope for the day. With a high wind that day clocked at 138mph (222km/h).

The following day was the same, high wind lots of snow and a postponed halfpipe competition. by this time we were all super bored from sitting in our hotel rooms for 4 days straight.




This was a huge 4 day blizzard! But surprisingly we woke up the next morning to perfect blue skis and almost no wind, it was an amazing day and the slopestyle comp was good to go!

Pipe was scheduled for the following day and we were granted another picture perfect blue bird day! Girls were competing first. unfortunately during practice i took a heavy fall clipping the deck on a front 5. My body was pretty shaken up from the fall and I was unable to land either of my competition runs. I was disappointed to not have been able to land a run but it was a relief that my body was ok after my fall and that I was still able to compete.

After quickly changing in the middle of the road and repacking our bags it was back to the airport to start our long journey to the other side of the country for the Burton US Open in Vermont!

Posted in California, COMPETITIONS | 271 Comments

Hermosa Beach – Rest & Recovery

After the World Cup in Canada i had 2 days to kill before flying to mammoth for the Grand Prix. I have some family friends that live in Hermosa Beach, LA and it seemed like a great place to spend 2 rest days away from snow and on a sandy beach.

It was my second time visiting Hermosa Beach and i really didnt want to leave after the 2 days. It was nice waking up in the morning walking outside seeing and smelling the salty ocean. I spent most of my time walking on the beach, watching the surfers, dolphin watching (when they came out to play)  and hanging out with my family friend who has a beautiful 3 yr old daughter. But 2 days was up soon enough and i was back at LAX airport boarding my flight to Mammoth for my next competition.

From groomed snow to groomed sand.

Posted in California | 231 Comments